Our Story

The story of Connect is the story of connections that started over ten years ago. It’s also a story of evolution, and the ways in which our mission to facilitate meaningful connections through gifting has changed over the years.

In 2013, three friends launched a company called Batch Gifts, curating thoughtful gifts with products primarily made by small business makers and artisans. What they thought would be a subscription service quickly evolved to something much bigger, with requests from corporate clients growing each year, and the applications for business gifts becoming more and more significant.

Early on, Batch’s clients were forging connections with their clients through gifting. Then, with a reputation for delivering outstanding “local gifts Nationwide,” Batch became a trusted partner for event gifts. With the changing business climate in 2020 came the need for new and impactful employee engagement and retention strategies. Then, 2022 saw a huge spike in gifting strategies used for marketing and sales initiatives, as well as the need for technology solutions to support easy gift strategy management. And with every turn, our team got stronger and more skilled! We didn’t realize that we were making connections, one gift at a time.

And now, a dedicated and passionate team of former Batch employees and leaders have formed Connect, bringing the best lessons and tastes from over a decade of gifting to help you craft the perfect gift to wow, impress, and get results.

Our plan is to take the "Best of Batch" and combine it with lessons learned, so that Connect continues the legacy as a premier provider of curated corporate gifts. Gifts that mean business. And most importantly, gifts that deliver on investment with real ROG (Return on Gifting).

Connect’s biggest competitive advantage is the team of people behind the scenes, learning and adapting with every iteration, and becoming more and more connected to our own mission and vision. Check back soon for introductions to our Leadership Team! We can’t wait to tell you more about the real Connectors, the MVPs of corporate gifting who leverage their unparalleled longevity in this space to create meaningful connections for our clients every day.

The Why Behind the Box

At Connect Gifting, our mission is to help businesses thrive by leveraging the power of thoughtful gifting strategies.

We are passionate about the psychology of gifting and the significant impact it can have on business relationships. Our team is always learning from new research and always refining our thought process to provide you with the very best gifting strategies.

Ultimately, we are dedicated to connecting companies with their employees, clients, partners, and more through carefully curated, professional gifts.  Every gift leaves an impression. Make yours count. Make it connect.

  • Employee, Student, & Faculty Recruiting: When first impressions become lasting connections.

    How the right gift delivers ROG: Highlight local flavor. Create hype.

  • Employee Onboarding: Ready, Set, Connect.

    How the right gift delivers ROG: Express excitement for new beginnings. Form a connection to the culture.

  • Employee Engagement & Retention: Staying connected, wherever you are.

    How the right gift delivers ROG: Acknowledge birthdays or work anniversaries. Meaningful expressions of sympathy.

  • Sales Efforts: Create. Connect. Close.

    Why the right gift delivers ROG: Increase pipeline stage conversions. Express gratitude for sales opportunities.

  • Marketing Efforts: When an email just won’t do, make a connection.

    Why the right gift delivers ROG: Create brand or product awareness. Influencer marketing.

  • Events: Small business, big connection.

    Why the right gift delivers ROG: Connect recipients to an event theme or location by celebrating local small business makers (things they can’t get at the airport!). Welcome participants thoughtfully by providing a perfect mix of local, usable, and keepable items that are travel-friendly.

The Psychology of Gifting

Make an impression. Tell a story. Start a conversation.

A business gift should be more than just a box full of stuff. 

When created with intention, the right gift can make a priceless connection. That’s because business gifts are where personal meets professional. They’re your opportunity to express gratitude, reinforce a message, create product or brand awareness, and enhance bonds. With the perfectly curated gift, you get noticed, and then you get connected…


Creating connections, one box at a time. 

Need to make just a couple of connections, or need to make them quickly? We have just the thing! Our expert curators are hard at work building a collection of off-the shelf gift sets that can be ordered online and shipped within 48 hours. Please check back soon!