The Secret Ingredient is Hope
At their core, entrepreneurs and small businesses owners are optimistic and hopeful. We have to be. After all, we've decided to start and build something that we believe will grow. We are gardeners, ever worried about our precious crop, fertilizing the soil and watering our seeds, knowing that tomorrow will be better than today.
At Batch, we know this is true because our makers tell us that despite a global pandemic and a trying year, they still have hope. In fact, many of them have more hope now than six months ago.
Brittle Brothers
We are hopeful that in spite of the virus, and the lock-down of small businesses that it has caused, this pandemic will provide our fellow small businesses with a stronger and more secure path forward. We became much better at pursuing new markets and new methods to sell our products that we never would have pursued had we not been forced to examine them to survive. When you take these new business strategies & sales and combine them with the business sales that will be returning when the virus is gone, you are left with a company that will be at least twice as strong as it was before the pandemic. It really has been a blessing in disguise for us.
Harbin Hollow
I am seeing more and more value placed on shopping small. Buyers want to hear our stories and know where their food comes from and the history of who is growing and raising it. Entrepreneurs are stepping up and bonding together to support each other like never before. I am hopeful that as a small business, we will have a great impact on our region by partnering with retailers who also value supporting the small business community and by strengthening our relationships with other makers and growers.
True North Granola
There will be silver linings emerging from this pandemic, yet the tragedy of the growing human loss is beyond our comprehension and understanding. As long as family members, friends, colleagues and our wider community are safe, we know we will move through this. These silver linings will center on building community and recognizing how important this is to our physical and emotional well-being. We continue to work hard to build strong relationships with our customers and greatly value their support for our small business. Both new and returning customers share their appreciation for us and our products, our mission and values.
Lillie's of Charleston
We're excited about the broadening awareness of our products all over the country that has happened since this pandemic began which has resulted in the discovery of new outlets to gain wider distribution to so many independent retailers. And of course, we can't wait to gathering together again with family & friends, meeting customers in person and being able to do tastings & events!
Hope springs eternal and no matter how many obstacles keep coming, our purveyors (and our team at Batch) continue to dodge, climb, blast through, and figure out how to keep moving forward.
Now it's your turn to offer the hope that our makers and so many small business owners rely on. Yes, they have a lot - but we always can use more.
With the outlook so bleak for so many small businesses, we're asking you to take the Small Business Pledge.
We're looking to find a million people who pledge to support small businesses, especially now.
When you take the Small Business Pledge, you're pledging to:
- Shop at a small business at least once a week.
- Shift your spend from a large business to a small business at least once a month.
- Make a major purchase at a small business at least once a year.
That's it. Three simple promises that can keep thousands of small businesses going strong.
Click here to take the pledge (and get your free Small Business Hero sticker if you'd like).
Onward. Together.