The Winning Formula for You Are So Nashville If... contest

The Winning Formula for You Are So Nashville If... contest

Submissions are open through June 27th for the Scene's Annual 'You Are So Nashville If ...' As a service for Weekly What readers, we analyzed the 30 past winners and have come up with the winning formula for YASNI entries.

You are so Nashville if...

Winning topics:

  • Country music (5 winners)
  • Local celebrities (4 winners)
  • Crime (4 winners)
  • Gay (4 winners)
  • Acronym wordplay (3 winners)
  • Growth/Development (3 winners)
  • Southern-fried ignorance (3 winners)
  • Mayoral romantic scandals (2 winners)
  • Local landmark (2 winners)
  • Religious sanctimony (2 winners)
  • Neighborhoods (2 winners)

With those results in mind, here’s our suggested formula for a winner:

  • Local landmark + country musician + crime + new development
  • Mayoral election + acronym + neighborhood + southern-fried ignorance + gay
  • Country music song + overcrowded city + religious sactimony

Also consider adding these hot topics in your entry: Scooters, Old Town Road, Cherry trees, high rise apartments, Cade Cothren, NFL Draft

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