The Pets of Batch
Though The Groundhog may have seen his shadow six weeks ago, it seems the winter slog is over--Nashville has finally gifted us some sunny spring weather. This has made us nostalgic for our days at the Farmers' Market, when more than a few happy pets and their owners would stroll through Batch's retail space, and collect head pats, belly scratches, and the occasional under-the-table dog treat.
In the spirit of gratitude, we are excited to honor the pets of Batch. These are the faithful friends who help us recharge our batteries after impassioned days of saving small business, and whose personalities vary as greatly as Spirit of Nashville postcards. We've also matched each of these pets with their Batch spirit product, so you can get a sense of just how well we know both our best friends, and our inventory.
Rob: If Vera were a Batch product, she would be a Chocolate Peanut Butter Grab the Gold because she is filled with energy, she has shiny packaging, she is chocolate colored, and loves peanut butter.
Nancy: If Chance was a Batch product, she would be a True South Puzzle. So smart and so bewildering.
(Chance is also on Instagram: @chancevanreece)
Heather: Meet Miss Weenie. She is the definition of lap dog. If she could be a Batch product it would definitely be a Nashville Blanket Project Blanket. Nothing brings her more joy than snuggling in a blanket.
Brittany: Meet Willy! He is the most extroverted dog out there. He also suffers from severe FOMO syndrome. If Willy was a Batch product, he would be Walker's Margarita Mix because he's always the life of the party.
Chap: Dexter loves Thistle Farms Candles because they keep him chilled out.
Zach: If Oona were a Batch product, I think she would be Love Bites, from Bang Candy Co. You know, overall sweet, but gets the Zoomies after dark and keeps you from sleeping with her sugar-like, frantic, stepping on your face energy.
Caia: Luka's personality is pretty kooky and aloof, so he's probably a more exotic flavor of jam or something. Like, Strawberry Jalapeño Jam from Nashville Jam Co. He is very sweet and spicy.
Jean: Good ol' Chili Nelson (@uknowichili) has the pinkest belly in all the land. He loves staring out the window for hours on end and prefers to play with a Topo Chico bottle cap rather than the dozens of toys he's got. If he were a Batch product, he'd be Greenpoint Trading Co. Everything Bagel Seasoning because he's a little bit of everything - salty, sweet, snuggly, and grumpy.
Mark: My first thought about Arty's Batch spirit product is that she is a cocktail mix because she's not good on her own (she has crippling separation anxiety). But then, I figured she might also be Willa's Hot Cheddar Shortbread Crackers because she's spicy and out of the box, but also a little softy.
RJ: This is Chili Nelson (not to be confused with Jean’s cat, Chili). Chili would be the Righteous Felon Habanero Escobar Beef Jerky. Just like Pablo Escobar, Chili is the king, with extra spice.
Erica: If Bea were a Batch product, she would likely be a sweet little jar of Trubee Whipped Honey. She is a bit conceited and has every right to be. Just like that honey, it's spectacular by the spoonful and probably knows of its irresistibility.
Peanut Butter Goo Goo
Sam: If Peanut Butter Goo Goo Cluster were a Batch product, it would probably be a Peanut Butter Goo Goo Cluster. It's sweet, crunchy, tasty, and always makes me feel better.
Don't forget to check out some of our favorite pet products, as well as the Nashville Humane Association Batch—$25 of each one sold goes directly to the Nashville Humane Association, and it has treats for both pets AND people!