Meet the Batch Team: Heather Ainsworth, Director of Product & Sales

Meet the Batch Team: Heather Ainsworth, Director of Product & Sales

Batch is a small business so each member of our team has to hustle and help out. In this entry into our Meet the Team series we introduce Heather Ainsworth, Batch's Director of Product & Sales. Heather is the life of the party even if she has to start the party with her bright smile and Texas-sized personality. With years of experience as a successful small business owner, she brings creativity and a resolute work ethic as she looks to delight every customer. 

Heather, tell us a little about your position at Batch.

I wear two hats at Batch. As the Director of Product, I get the pleasure of meeting (virtually for now) with purveyors from around the country. I'm always meeting fascinating makers who have a passion for whatever they may be creating. The second part of my role is connecting our customers with awesome products. It really is the best of both worlds!

Where are you originally from, and how long have you been in Nashville?

Originally from Graham, Texas, and have been in Nashville since 2008.

How long have you been working for Batch? 

I have been "with" Batch for seven years. Most of those were as a vendor myself, as I owned a candle company, and Batch was a top account for me. After I sold the business, I still had a desire to be involved with creatives. I had the incredible opportunity to come work alongside the Batch team for my next chapter, and have been in my current role with Batch since March.

What's your favorite part about your job as Director of Product & Sales?

I am a creative at heart, and each day I have a unique opportunity to create a one-of-a-kind gift for a customer. I also get an enormous amount of joy knowing each product I present to a client is benefiting a small business owner. 

[Read more about our team members and their favorite products in the Meet the Batch Team series.]

What are your favorite items that we have at Batch?

That's like asking a mother to choose her favorite child, but what I enjoy most often would be: Evo Salsa, Righteous Felon Jerky, Kijiji Coffee, Tempered Chocolates, Willa's Shortbread

What items would you put in a batch for a loved one?

Soberdough Herb & Olive Facaccia, Evo's Greek Marinade, J.M. Thomason Spice Tuscan Dipping Oil Blend

Heather's Picks

[Read more about our makers in the Meet the Maker series.]

What things do you enjoy outside of work?

I enjoy playing tennis and am a mixologist-in-training.

Favorite spot in Nashville and why?

Cocktails on any Nashville rooftop bar - you can't deny the views. However, The Patterson House is great fun and everything on the Gin menu is top notch, especially when you are with family and friends.

Favorite musical artist, and why?

My car is currently tuned to the Siriusly Sinatra radio. It just puts me in a calm place.

Have you picked up any new hobbies, skills, or habits since Covid shut-downs began?

I am trying to learn to knit, but I am afraid it is too tedious for me. If anyone has a good method, let me know. :)

 [Heather with her husband, Brandon, and her two kids, Morgan and Marcus.]

If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be? 

Travel. I love to see new things, even if it means arriving and leaving on the same day. I'm in.

Aside from necessities, what could you not go a day without? 


What about working at Batch excites you the most? 

Knowing that everyday is going to be different. I am never doing the same thing or talking to the same people each day and I just love it. It's always changing.

Any interesting facts or final thoughts? 

I want to be in the Guinness World Records book for the longest married couple. The current title is being held by an Ecuadorian couple at 79 years of marriage.

Hear a bit from Heather about creating candles for the company she and her husband started, Southern Firefly!

Heather Ainsworth Batch Nashville

[Heather with her family at a Nashville Predators hockey match.]

What the team has to say about Heather:

Rob: "Having known Heather as the co-owner (with her handy/techy hubby Brandon) and candle queen at Southern Firefly Candle Co., I was impressed with the great small business she built through hard work and skill. But, she has still exceeded my expectations by how much she has helped Batch in her short (though extremely intense) time with us. She listens, understands, and gets stuff done. She has tackled many aspects of our business and she's always ready for the next problem... opportunity. She also has a great sense of humor and puts up with me, so I couldn't ask for a better team member."


Sam: "What can Heather NOT do? Seriously - she sources, she curates, she packs, she sells, she encourages, she dreams - pick a verb and Heather can make it happen! As a past purveyor she brings a unique and vital viewpoint to our strategic thinking and also understands what it takes to delight our customers time and again. Still waiting for that invite for porch cocktails with the fam, though."


Nancy: "Heather's kindness is present not only with the clients she works with but with her teammates as well.  She enjoys surprising with her creative thoughtful curated gifts."  


Caroline: "I've only known Heather since March of this year, but wow, have we accomplished so much together already! She is the best kind of teammate - loyal, fun, compassionate, kind, one of THE hardest workers that I have ever met...oh, and did I say FUN? I am thankful for her patience, enthusiasm, guidance and wisdom throughout the time we've been working together. As we have all faced the unknown of this pandemic together, she has been an encouragement to me as someone who has experienced all the ins and outs of small business. I can't wait for a travel adventure with her someday!" 


Thanks for your hard work and dedication, Heather! We are so glad you are a part of the Batch team.

Don't forget to shop Heather's picks here!


WANT HELP PUTTING TOGETHER YOUR NEXT ROUND OF GIFT BATCHES? Call Heather today at (‭615) 752-0152‬ or email!

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