Meet the Team: Erin Goode, Gift Consultant

Meet the Team: Erin Goode, Gift Consultant

As Batch continues to grow from a scrappy small business to a strong small business, we get the opportunity to bring talented people on board to help with more customers, more products, and more everything. We are so happy to introduce Erin Goode, our gift consultant, to our customers and small business family. She is here to help Batch corporate gift customers create custom gifts based on any theme or budget and bring more custom gift projects to our growing operations team (know any folks that want to work with us?)

We learned a lot about her from this latest installment in our Meet the Team Series, and we can't wait to share it with you.  

Erin, tell us a little about your position at Batch.

I’m Batch’s new gift consultant! I get to help sell all the amazing products and services to our awesome customers. 

Where are you originally from, and where are you living now?

I was born and raised in Queens, New York where I still currently reside (although I dream of living in Nashville daily).

How long have you been working with Batch?

I’ve been working at Batch for a little over a month.

Erin Goode, Gift Consultant

How do you like it so far?

I love it! It’s been so exciting learning the ropes, building relationships with all our customers and getting to know my rockstar co-workers!

What are you most looking forward to about working at Batch? 

Doing meaningful work that allows me to be creative and help people at the same time! It was super important for me to find a company that had strong core values and does their part to give back to the community. Batch surpassed anything I could have hoped to find and I can’t wait to be a part of all of the special things Batch will do! 

We sent you a “Welcome Batch” of some of our favorite Batch products. Of the items that you’ve tried so far, which are your favorites? 

I was blown away by my first Batch box! From the sweetness of the caramel flavored Kernels Nashville Popcorn, to the salty of The Good Crisp Sea Salt and Vinegar potato chips, my tastebuds were SO happy! And who could forget The Shortbread Shop brown sugar cookies, let’s just say they did not last more than 2 days… 

What might you put in a Batch to a loved one?

Chocolate! I’m a hardcore chocolate lover, a chocoholic if you will. Batch has so many delicious chocolate options from Colts Bolt peanut buttery goodness, to a MAST chocolate bar with sea salt, to a TEMPERED chocolate bar with…pretzels!? The chocolate possibilities are endless here at Batch!

What are your favorite things to do outside of work?

During the pandemic I picked up golf and it has become a huge passion of mine. I also recently started my own side hustle business making spackle art, Spackle & Gloss! Gift consultant by day, spackle artist by night! (cue sparkly sound effect)

Spackle art

If you could travel today to any city in the country, where would you go and why?

AH! Can I say road trip!? I love traveling to new cities and seeing what each one has to offer. 

Who is your favorite musical artist and why?

Brother’s Osborne! I love their sound and their lyrics are always so beautiful. My fiancé and I chose “Pushing Up Daisies” for our wedding song :)

If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would you do?

Head upstate NY to hike Mount Beacon and grab a bite to eat at one of my favorite restaurants!

Erin Goode, Gift Consultant climbs a mountain

Aside from physical necessities, what could you not go a day without?

My two little guinea pigs, Presley & Polly and my fiancés family dog, Murphy; those three have my heart.

Erin Goode's fur babies


Ready to work with Erin on your next business gift order? She is here to make gift giving easy for any budget, theme, or reason.


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