Meet the Batch Team: Sarah Leach, Blogger

Meet the Batch Team: Sarah Leach, Blogger

At Batch, the story behind our makers and products is important as the products themselves. We're thankful to have a great wordsmith on our team, especially one who understands hard work, passion, family, and of course, the South. Meet Sarah Leach, our Batch Blogger in this edition of Meet the Batch Team. Sarah writes about our makers and products on our blog and she hasn't missed a beat while her family has relocated this year (and the fact that her family includes two small kiddos under the age of 3!).

Sarah, tell us a little about your position at Batch.

I write interesting, fun, timely content on the Batch Blog to help our customers get to know our makers, their products, and their hometowns. I'm working to bring the customer and the maker a little closer together with the hopes that shopping with Batch is a rewarding experience all around!

Where are you originally from, and where do you currently live?

From Nashville, TN, and currently living in Montgomery, AL.

How long have you been working with Batch? 

Since April 2020 (though I've been a customer and a fan since the beginning!).

What's your favorite part about blogging for Batch?

Connecting with the makers to learn their stories. Every maker's business and journey is unique, and I consider it an honor to help tell their stories! 

Sarah Leach

[Read more about our team members and their favorite products in the Meet the Batch Team series.]

What are your favorite items that we have at Batch?

White's Elixirs Mojito Mix (delicious!), Cheers Y'all Towel (so cute!), Thistle Farms lavender hand soap (smells nice and a great cause!), Shotwell Candy Co. caramels (used these for my wedding welcome bag), Slow as Folk Dolly print (I just love Dolly and the design of this print). [Shop Sarah's picks here!]

What Batch would you gift to a loved one? 

Any of our drink mixes. I love a good cocktail hour celebration! 

Sarah's Picks

[Read more about our makers in the Meet the Maker series.]

What things do you enjoy outside of work? 

I have a two and a half year-old and a one year-old, so no, I don't really have any hobbies. Before kids, I used to like to do yoga, hike, and try new restaurants and bars with my husband. Now, it's pretty much craft projects and toddler wrangling in the backyard.

Favorite spot in Nashville and why?

Radnor Park has been a special place to me since I was in high school and could first drive there by myself. My first memory of it is going on a silent nature walk as part of a field trip with Harding Academy. Now, almost every time I'm home, I make time to go for a hike solo, to catch up with a friend, or to get out of the house with family members during the holidays. The different trails are accessible to people of all ages and abilities.

Sarah Leach

[Sarah with her husband, John, and daughters Ann Townsend and Poppy.]

Favorite book?

I'm really into Untamed by Glennon Doyle right now. One of my oldest friends gave me a copy recently. It is a must-read for women and parents of girls.

Have you picked up any new hobbies, skills, or habits since Covid shut-downs began?

Preschool teacher?

If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be? 

Be all alone! This spring and summer has been full of lots of family togetherness and a move to a new city, so I'm ready to decompress. I'd go to a yoga class and then get a facial and massage.

Aside from necessities, what could you not go a day without? 

I really like to wash my face at the start of each day. It feels like the day hasn't started until I wash my face.

What about Batch excites you the most? 

I love what Batch stands for. It's a small business that connects customers with other small businesses. We all put tons of love into every aspect of this business, which makes it a fun and rewarding team experience.

Any interesting facts or final thoughts? 

My career has been mostly in nonprofit fundraising and marketing up until recently, when I transitioned to writing after having my second daughter. I met two of Batch's co-founders Sam and Stephen back in the day when we were all doing nonprofit-y stuff before Batch even existed!

Sarah Leach and Mary Helen Davidson

[Sarah with her friend Mary Helen Davidson (also the wife of Batch co-founder, Sam Davidson).]

What the team has to say about Sarah:

Rob: "Sarah asks insightful questions, listens to answers, and crafts posts that spread the message about small businesses. She adds her own dash of storytelling to elevate all our blog. As a team member, she improves all aspects of our customer experience and business."
Sam: "Sarah is always up for telling a great story and can effortlessly capture our purveyors' passions and dreams in words for our blog. She's a vital, "can-do" teammate and we're thankful she's carrying the Batch voice with pride and pomp. All this while keeping John, Poppy and Ann Townsend in line!"


Thanks for your hard work and dedication, Sarah! We are so glad you are a part of the Batch team.

Don't forget to shop Sarah's picks here!

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