Meet the Batch Team: Rhonda Ladner, National Sales Director

Meet the Batch Team: Rhonda Ladner, National Sales Director

Small businesses. Big businesses. Rhonda has worked with them all, and she's about to roll up her sleeves and put that experience to work for Batch. While Batch has made a name for itself on the concept of "local love", we have now  been tasked with the question: "How do we take 'local love' to the national level?" Luckily, there's a simple answer: a force of talent, hustle, and kindness named Rhonda Ladner. We learned a lot about her from this latest installment in our Meet the Team Series, and we can't wait to share it with you.  

Rhonda, tell us a little about your position at Batch.

As the National Sales Director, I’ll be working to expand on Batch’s growth in the corporate gifting space. The industry is exploding and Batch has such a unique offering. I can’t wait to see what the future holds!

Where are you originally from, and where are you living now?

I’m a born & raised New Orleans girl! Over the years I’ve had lots of opportunities to move, but apparently I’m firmly planted. 

How long have you been working with Batch?

2 whole weeks

How do you like it so far?

It’s fantastic! I’ve worked with and consulted with lots of companies but I don’t think I’ve ever met a group of people so genuinely invested. There’s such a sense of pride and community here. And of course the Batch boxes arriving ahead of time made me feel welcomed immediately!

Rhonda Ladner Close-up

What are you most looking forward to about working at Batch? 

The creative part, for sure. I love the idea of working with corporate clients to create a “just right” gift that really represents who they are, who they’re trying to reach, and what they’re trying to achieve. With Batch’s extensive vendor network of small businesses, we’re uniquely positioned to curate truly personalized, creative and impactful corporate gifts. The possibilities are endless. 

Rhonda Welcome Gift Set

[Rhonda's Welcome Batch, full of some of our team's personal favorite products (minus some gummy bears that were too good to resist]

Last week, we sent you a “Welcome Batch” of some of our favorite Batch products. Of the items that you’ve tried so far, which are your favorites? 

I’ve had so much fun working my way through all the products! The Kijiji Coffee is great, and I’ve used the Tuscan dipping mix a couple of times already. I finally tried the Soberdough bread and it’s amazing. And I’m not usually a candy fan but I can’t get enough of the Candy Club Triple Decker Sour Gummy Bears.

Rhonda with her first Batch

What might you put in a Batch to a loved one?

I actually just sent my first Batch. It was the Warm & Cozy Gift Set, which I chose because I wanted to send something comforting to brighten someone’s day. I love that Batch has so many well-curated gifts ready to ship! But I’m also excited about putting together a customized Batch of city-specific items for a friend who’s about to retire. It’ll be a little sample of American, small business-made items to inspire travel and adventure.

Batch Warm and Cozy Gift Set

[Batch's Warm and Cozy Gift Set - Rhonda's first gift]

What are your favorite things to do outside of work?

I love taking walks on the levee and seeing the Mississippi River, boiling crawfish (well actually just eating them… my husband does the boiling), writing, trying new restaurants, working in the garden, and just hanging out with family and friends.

If you could travel today to any city in the country, where would you go and why?

Napa. Because wine. :)

Who is your favorite musical artist, besides The Dreaded Laramie, and why?

Ooooh, that’s hard. I like so many different kinds of music, depending on my mood. Van Morrison is an all-time favorite though. Never a bad idea. (And I’m still waiting for my Dreaded Laramie press kit, so I can’t really comment on that…)

If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would you do?

Well if I’m choosing, my whole family would have to be there. Some of our best days have been Mardi Gras related, so I’m thinking my “anything day” would be a re-creation of a day like the one this picture was taken. My husband rode in a parade with our sons. Their fiancés spent the day with me and all of our family & friends, then we all met up that evening for more parading & celebrating. 

Rhonda in New Orleans with her Family

Aside from physical necessities, what could you not go a day without?

Sadly, the list is long! Coffee… diet coke… mascara… all my various skincare lotions & potions. And my BFF, Rocket.

Rocket the Dog

[Rocket, Rhonda's BFF]

What is one interesting fact about you?

One day, I’ll actually write the novel in my head that’s just dying to get out.

Rhonda Headshot

What the team has to say:

Sam: It's been a lot of fun to work with Rhonda so far! Her curiosity is contagious and is going to result in some big and exciting wins for us! We can't wait for all of our loyal corporate customers to meet and work with her.

Rob: When interviewing Rhonda for this important sales position, I was struck by the incisive questions she asked. In the short time that she has been with us, she has posed questions that have already improved our business. Her experience in sales informs her customer-centric perspective so she is very capable of providing our business clients with custom gift solutions. I'm very excited to work with her and help her make a big impact at Batch.

Heather: “Rhonda is so easy to connect with. Her authentic personality really comes through within minutes of talking to her. Rhonda's New Orleans charm will be a joy to anyone that has the opportunity to work with her.

Brittany: “In Rhonda's first week, she has already brought so much to the company. Her feedback has been very helpful and her respectful attitude brings off a warming vibe. She will fit right in!” 

Jean: “I want to be Rhonda when I grow up. She is the BEST! She's such a strong addition to our team and brings so many new and insightful views to the way we operate. I can't wait to be challenged and learn more from her!”

RJ: “Rhonda is personable from 500-some miles away through a phone. I am excited to work with her along with doing whatever I can to make her job easier.”

Zach: “She personally requested a press kit for my band. She's already won me over for life.

Rhonda's Warm and Cozy Gift Set

Rhonda! We're so excited to have you on the team! 

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