Jean with Chili

Meet the Batch Team: Jean White, E-Commerce Manager

Operating in a position that she forged with her outstanding organizational skills and awe-inspiring performance during the holiday rush, check out Jean White, our E-Commerce Manager. Jean began at Batch by sharing her brilliant retail touch in 2019 at the Batch’s former Nashville Farmers Market location, but facing a global pandemic, quickly pivoted her talents to our warehouse. She has been pushing and pulling and packing Batch forward ever since. No matter what the task is, Jean seems to do it better. 

Jean, tell us a little about your position at Batch.

You pick it, I pack it.  

Where are you originally from, and how long have you been in Nashville?

I’m from Hilton Head Island, South Carolina and I’ve been in Nashville since 2018. 

How long have you been working with Batch?

One year and some change. 

What’s your favorite part about your job as E-Commerce Manager? 

I'm always keeping a mental list of things I can give as gifts, so I love discovering new brands and products!   

What are your favorite items that we have at Batch? 

Oakley's Southern Delights Sweet and Spicy Snacking Pickles, Bongo Java Batch Blend Coffee, Oakley's Southern Delights Sweet and Spicy Snacking Pickles, Kernels Music City Mix Popcorn, and finally, Oakley's Southern Delights Sweet and Spicy Snacking Pickles.  [Shop these items and more with Jean's Staff Picks.]

Jean Farmers' Market

What would you put in a Batch to a loved one?

My dad's been on the receiving end of many-a-Batch over the last year or so. He loves the Central BBQ's Hot Sauce, Walker Feed Co. Southern Bloody Mary Mix, Brittle Brothers Peanut Brittle, Loveless Cafe Pickled Okra, and every single flavor of Goo Goo Cluster.

What are your favorite things to do outside of work?

I fell in love with theatre when I was young and have spent basically my entire life soaking up everything I can about performing. I studied musical theatre in college and I’ve spent time acting professionally, both in and out of school. I've always loved being able to step into someone else's shoes for a few hours. It's taught me so much about who I am and what I want out of life.

I'm also obsessed with home decor. I love being able to turn an empty room into a place of solace and safety. It's always been incredibly important to me to have a place to land at the end of the day.  

Jean with Jeans

What is your favorite thing to do in Nashville?

Pre-COVID, you could find me nearly every Sunday sitting outside at a local coffee shop (shoutout to District Coffee) with a dirty chai and a Brightside Bakeshop croissant. COVID can't stop me from getting my fix, even if it means I have to enjoy them from the comfort of my car, instead of a sunny table.

Who is your favorite musical artist, besides RJ?

Around a decade ago, I was introduced to Frank Turner. His music has evolved so much over the years, it's hard not to feel like I've evolved with it. He's got a real knack for blending his English punk roots with country, folk, and good ol' rock-and-roll, along with nods to history and literature. I've been fortunate enough to see him several times over the years, in just about every venue imaginable; from dingy dive bars to TPAC, I've never failed to have one of the best nights of my life. 

Have you picked up any new hobbies, skills, or habits since COVID shut-downs began?

I've clocked an undisclosed amount of hours on Animal Crossing... 

Jean Covered by Chili

If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would you do?

Let me loose in Home Goods for a couple of hours and I can definitely do some damage.

Aside from necessities, what could you not go a day without?

A great cup of coffee and every step in my (slightly extensive, yet totally necessary) skincare routine.

What about working at Batch excites you the most?

I honestly love doing monotonous and repetitive tasks. If you need 200 pint-glasses wrapped in bubble-wrap, I'm your girl. I also love working with RJ :) 

Jean with computer in warehouse

Interesting fact about you?

I have a cat named Chili Nelson. 

What the team has to say about Jean:

Sam: Those lovely handwritten notes your family loves when you order a Batch online? Yeah - that's all Jean. Her penmanship is perfection and her packing is pristine; this means your purposeful purchases planned for passionate people are pleasingly and pleasantly presented. She also rocks a mean water bottle.”

Rob: Before you can ask Jean to help or get something done, she has usually done it better than you could have. She is always a step ahead whether it is contacting customers about an order or collating hundreds of client name tags. I'm learning to stay out of Jean's way so she can do great work without me slowing her down.”

Heather: “Jean is a BOSS! Her attention to detail is key, and so valuable for our eCommerce business. There is nothing Jean will not take on or volunteer to do for you. She is the very meaning of Team Player. #teamjean

Chap: “Jean does more work in one day than three employees. Her dedication to her current role is inspiring and continues to make other team members want to raise the Batch bar.” 

Brittany: “Jean has been such a supportive coworker and friend to me! She is very hard working. Even on the longest of days, her battery is still going and on high speed.” 

Mark: "Jean is one of the most organized, focused members of our team. Her foresight has been the secret ingredient to getting some of our most challenging orders completed on time. And she ties Zach for best trivia skills in the company."

Zach: “Since the first day I began working in the Warehouse, Jean has terrified me. The level of excellence at which she operates is a switch with no ‘off’ button. She is precise, engaged, thorough, and does it all at breakspeed velocity. Perhaps the scariest thing she does: catch every single one of my early 2000s DCOM references. She is my greatest trivia foe and greatest trivia ally all wrapped into one. 

Erica: “She is the fastest Batch packer in the West. Honestly, I’ve never seen a box built so fast.” 

Famous Jean Sayings: “Just a messy girl, livin’ in a messy world”, “DANGIT ZACH”, “You can’t spell ‘Genius’ without Jean”, “I’m tired grandpa!”
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