It's Been a Mother of a Year: What to Get for Mother's Day during the Pandemic with Batch

It's Been a Mother of a Year: What to Get for Mother's Day during the Pandemic

It’s been a mother of a year for all of us, but especially for moms. If you’ve been wondering what to get for Mother’s Day during the pandemic, look no further. As a mom of two, I can give you some first-hand recommendations for Mother’s Day 2021. 

Sarah Leach and her girls during this Mother of a Year

Here are my top five challenges that we moms have been facing over the last 14+ months, and the best gifts I can recommend to help us recover from them. 

1. Stress

Moms have been under tremendous stress during the pandemic. Whatever the troubles are that our families face, we moms are often the ones that have to bear everyone’s burdens with them. Job losses, children’s worries, spousal gripes, shifting schedules, emotional outbursts… you name it, and a mom in your life has probably faced it with you. To combat stress, I have three preferred solutions: self-care time, a stiff drink, or chocolate. Maybe all three at once.

2. Too Much Togetherness

Schools were canceled or shifted online. Jobs were changed into work-from-home roles. Some people lost jobs or were stalled in the middle of a job hunt. Those first few months of the pandemic, I was without a job or childcare and spent a lot of time in a stay-at-home mom role I wasn’t prepared for. Even now that school is back in person and I’m on my preferred work schedule, I could always use a break from #momlife. To remedy too much togetherness, here are three gift options at varying price points.

  • Watch her kids: Free and fun for you! (I hope…)
  • Pay for a babysitter: A low effort and high impact gift. Write a check or Venmo her the cash money.
  • Help her throw herself a party at home: The Charcuterie Kit gift set from Batch has everything she needs for a party with herself or her significant other after the kiddos’ bedtime.

3. Working a Double

Whatever the situation has been at home throughout this mother of a year, moms have done double-duty during the pandemic. Help her recover from the extreme exhaustion of doing it all with one of these Mother’s Day gift options. 

Mom works on laptop with children playing
  • Take a break and recharge: Give a gift card for a massage or her favorite exercise class.
  • Coffee or tea for extra energy: The Coffee Collection or Time for Tea has just what she needs.
  • Give the gift of a clean house: Search for local cleaning help, or Venmo her to pay her housekeeper for a visit. 

4. Running Errands

Many moms are still not comfortable getting out into the world to do errands in person with alllll the strangers and their germs. How about getting her a delivery membership? I would not have survived this last year without delivery services that saved time and trips out to the grocery store.

Mom shops at grocery store
  • Local grocery delivery: Shipt membership is great!
  • Don’t feel like cooking: Uber Eats has saved my sanity a time or two, and they have pledged to do their part to support local restaurants!

5. Avoiding Germs like, well, The Plague

We’ve all had to do our best to avoid giving or getting others’ germs in this mother of a year. The pandemic isn’t over yet, so help her enjoy the new normal with some luxury products. My fancy, expensive, cute, and breathable face masks from Lilly Pulitzer and my citrus-scented hand sanitizer from Trader Joe’s have been a few of my favorite germ-avoiding products this year. Bonus: spray hand sanitizer is THE BEST for using on your children’s messy little paws!

mom and daughter with face masks

I hope you find a Mother’s Day gift in this list to help the moms in your life recover from the mother of a year we had AND keep going strong during the pandemic. 

Want more recommendations? Here’s Batch’s full Mother’s Day gift collection. You can also read all about Mother’s Day on the Batch blog.

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