So All Your Employees Can Have Gluten... Except Jeff.
When your employees don't all have the same dietary restrictions (they never do), how do you still pull off the perfect corporate gift?
Don't worry, Jeff. We see you.
Here at Batch, we're perfectly happy to make substitutions for gifts according to your recipient's dietary preferences. Gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan-- if you're ordering gifts for a group of people, chances are at least one of them is bound to require some accommodations. And as long as you know who needs accommodating, we'll make sure the right gift gets to them.
For example, check out the work we did recently for Farm Credit Mid-America, a company that found us from our friends at NHS Global Events. Farm Credit was holding a conference at the luxury Grand Hyatt Hotel in downtown Nashville (swanky, right?), and needed gifts for their 40 visiting employees. These gift boxes had to say both, "Welcome to Nashville!" and "We appreciate you."
So, we we lined up some of our favorite local Tennessee-made products, including:
- Batch Nashville Candle - City Series (4oz.)
- Spirit of Nashville Playing Cards
- J.M. Thomason Spice Blend - Hot Chicken
- Daily Crunch Golden Goodness Almonds (1.5oz.)
- Trubee Raw Honey - (5oz.)
- EV Original Famous Salsa
- Loveless Cafe Original Beef Jerky
- Nashville Heat Two Pepper Hot Sauce
- Willa's Hot Cheddar Shortbread Bites
All together, it looked like this:
[The Farm Credit Mid-America Batch, a slight variation on our Taste of Nashville Gift Batch]
40 of these stylish boxes for 40 of Farm Credit's stylish employees.
But wait...
What about "Jeff", who can't have gluten? And "Diane", who's allergic to nuts?
Don't panic. We got you.
For "Jeff", we were able to substitute the Willa's Hot Cheddar Shortbread Bites (glutenous, yet delicious) for some Blue Monarch Granola (gluten-free, yet delicious). And for "Diane", we substituted the same granola for the Daily Crunch Almonds--no nuts, no problem.
Finally, the folks at Farm Credit selected to have their logo stamped on the exterior of the box. On the bottom of the box, we included a small sticker with the name and allergy of each recipient, so the boxes with substitutions could be easily recognized from the outside. Clean and tidy, the final box looked like this:
[For the record, the box is both reusable and recyclable.]
Thanks to the collaborative work of Farm Credit and Batch, "Jeff" and "Diane" started their weekend in Nashville feeling welcomed with quality local gifts, and grateful to work for a company that would accommodate their dietary restrictions. We love helping companies of all shapes and sizes show gratitude to their talented employees. And we'd love to help you, too.
For help finding the perfect gift AND navigating your employees' dietary accommodations, check out our Business Gifts page, or give us a call at (615)-475-7500. With plenty of our own dietary preferences, we're a team full of "Jeffs" and "Dianes", so we know exactly how to help.