215 Ways to Reuse Mason Jars

At Batch, we've been known to send you a thing or two in that most iconic of containers: the Mason Jar. And while you can certainly wash and reuse as a cup, food container, or Southern-chic moonshine glass, we did some digging and found a few other ways to creatively reuse old Mason Jars.

(And, we can't say too much, but November's Batch will include something in a Mason Jar, too.)

(And speaking of November, you have until tomorrow - Friday, October 18 - to make sure you're in on that shipment!)

The most popular way to reuse Mason Jars seems to be to collect supplies or hold lots of small things. The best we've seen in this bucket are these very simple jars holding your kids' craft supplies:

Click here for 49 more ideas for reusing your Mason Jars.

Need 8 more ideas for what Mason Jars can hold? Click here to get the skinny on bathroom supplies, stationery, and hardware.

Now let's get artistic. This post has 10 ways to use Mason Jars, including using one as a lantern or even - wait for it - a photo frame.

Want 47 more ideas? Of course you do. Click here to get to a slide show with a bevy of ideas, including our favorite (given the season) of crafting some Halloween luminaries.

And in the reuse post to end all posts, here are yet 100 more ideas for repurposing Mason Jars. From painting the jars to creating an advent calendar, take a look at each idea. We're really craving any of the recipes listed and can't resist reposting this clever idea:

What about you? How do you reuse old Mason Jars?