We are in Style (Blueprint)

A big, huge thanks to the kind people at Style Blueprint for talking about us today.

In fact, if that's how you've found your way here, thanks to you, too!

Here's some nice things they said about us:

September marked the first month that Batch Nashville delivered to customers, and this past Tuesday I was delighted by the 5 products, all with a breakfast theme, that were in my shipment. I have to say, though, that the 6th delight was seeing my kids so enthralled by this whole concept, so thank you, Batch Nashville, for letting me have one of those moments that I’m searching for these days.
So, you are now dying to know how to become a member, right, because this sounds so awesome! First of all, spaces are limited and this is completely affordable, so do order quickly; this perfect equation of affordability + limited supply means memberships will go fast! Signing up for three months’ worth of deliveries is just $75. That’s just $25 a month. Each month promises to deliver products that will delight. If you just want to try October, a one month delivery is $30. The theme for October is “After Dinner,” and I’m way too excited, as I’m really hoping for dessert.

Read the full article here.

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