7-Steps To A Perfect Employee Onboarding Process For New Hires

7-Steps To A Perfect Employee Onboarding Process For New Hires

Change is the new constant in the way employees work. These changes are especially evident in the practice of employee onboarding. It has become a crucial step in whether an employee will stay for the long haul. In fact, employees who went through a structured onboarding program were 58% more likely to be with the company after 3 years according to The Wynhurst Group.

Employee onboarding will set the tone and lay a foundation for your new hire. It will help your new hire get acquainted with your company and hopefully inspire them. The goal is to lead to engaged and highly productive employees in the long term. The Aberdeen Group reported that 62% of companies with programs had higher time-to-productivity ratios. 

You might be thinking, how long should this program last? Some might say never, although it’s typical for this process to be in the framework of 30 days, 60 days, or even 90 days.

Next up, it’s key to determine who will be the responsible party for the new hire’s program. Will it be human resources or the hiring manager? Maybe both. We might suggest the manager play a primary role to ensure relevancy and the opportunity to create a connection. In remote settings, it’s even more important to create opportunities for connecting. That’s why we are sharing 7-steps to a perfect employee onboarding process. 

1 | Send a gift after they accept an offer 

Nothing says we are excited to welcome you like a gift sent straight to their door. It doesn’t have to be too complicated. It can be light and fun similar to these Good For The Souls Snacks or Remote Work Pack gift boxes. Also, if this is a remote position it can create an opportunity to send necessary equipment such as packing company swag, snacks, and their laptop in a killer backpack.

 2 | Share early onboarding materials

We get it. You need forms filled out but don’t forget about the fun stuff too! Share your company story and culture. Also, provide them a clear picture of what to expect on their first day or week. It will avoid surprises.

 3 | Prepare a welcome gift for the 1st day

Whether you have an on-site, hybrid, or remote working model there are creative ways to approach this concept. It can include branded items that will help them day-to-day or be geared towards a lunch out with the team. Who doesn’t love free lunch? Better yet, throw a gift card in an awesome branded gift box. Consider a digital gift card for remote workers and set up a team lunch hour. It will create an opportunity for personal connection. 

Employee Onboarding Gift Box

 4 | Review company history, culture, and future vision

Spend time on the first day sharing your brand story. The more knowledge employees have, the better they will be able to serve your organization in the end. It can include the why behind your company culture as well. Some things may not be as obvious as you think. Lastly, don’t forget to talk about where your company is going and how they can make an impact long-term.

 5 | Provide a 30-60-90-day plan

This concept goes back to what we mentioned earlier – an organized onboarding plan that will help with retention. A 30-60-90-day plan creates transparency and a roadmap of an employee’s journey with your company. The goal should be to make it a smooth transition for both of you.

This plan should include time for employees to get acquainted with your systems and platforms. Maybe they need to go through training or watch informational videos, whatever it may be. Keep in mind this isn’t solely focused on their ability to complete current projects. Consider offering a fun gift or experience upon completion of their 90 days to make it more interesting.

 6 | Organize meet and greets

Inclusion and immersion are key to employee onboarding, especially for remote workers. Meet and greets can be easily set up in person or virtually. Consider inviting team members to meet with new hires that have progressed in their careers with the company as an opportunity to demonstrate growth potential.

 7 | Ongoing team building

You’ve probably already guessed why this is so important. On-site employees might have it a little easier, but that being said it can be easily overlooked. Don’t forget to celebrate personal and professional milestones with your team members, like birthdays, weddings, or hitting a team goal. It can be as simple as a monthly lunch to get folks away from their desks.

If your team is remote, it’s even more important to create these moments since they often don’t get the daily interactions of sharing a laugh or an impromptu chat with a co-worker. Creating a monthly ritual can be a great idea for remote workers. Be creative and keep your team’s interest in mind.

Employee onboarding doesn’t have to be boring. Of course, it should cover the practical side of starting a new role. Keep these strategies in mind when you are hiring. Share this list with human resources to inspire fresh ideas. We are here to help with any of your employee onboarding needs.
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